
Details of the event

The workshop is aimed at sharing the latest developments in instrumentation and methods for fast timing measurements, their use in fundamental physics research and their application to other fields such as medical imaging. The meeting will be held at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain from 12th midday to 14th March 2025.

The scientific programme includes:

  • New detector technologies, including scintillators and photosensors
  • Fast front-end and readout electronics
  • Time pick-up methods, optimization, and AI processing
  • Large scintillator and hybrid arrays for fast-timing measurements
  • Nuclear structure from fast-timing measurements: decay and reactions
  • Other methods for the measurement of nuclear state lifetimes
  • Fast scintillators for time-of-flight PET and other imaging modalities
  • Fast response and high count rate detectors for technology and applications

Participants are encouraged to present their recent works to the workshop. Abstracts no longer than one page must be submitted by February 16th, 2025, at 23:59 using the workshop Indico site at

Preceeding the FAST'25 workshop, a ISOLDE Decay Station (IDS) collaboration meeting will be held at Complutense University of Madrid in the afternoon of March 11th 2025 (open session) and morning of March 12th 2025 (steering committee).

Email contact:

Grupo de Física Nuclear (GFN), EMFTEL & IPARCOS, Universidad Complutense de Madrid