About the event
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The Fifth Cultural Linguistics International Conference (CLIC 2025) will be held at the Complutense University of Madrid from June 16 to 18, 2025.
The Complutense University of Madrid now takes over from previous editions, which began in Prato, Italy (2016), and continued in Landau, Germany (2018), Budapest, Hungary (2021), and Chongqing, China (2023).
At the 5th Cultural Linguistics International Conference, we will explore various levels of analysis from diverse perspectives aligned with the social and cultural approach. The conference is not restricted to any particular school or model, offering a broad perspective on language and culture.
The Cultural Linguistics International Conference series provides a dialogue between language and a variety of fields, including anthropology, psychology, sociology, and education. Its interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary orientation primarily examines the relationship between language and culture, especially with particular emphasis on cognition.
The congress serves as a platform for researchers interested in cultural and social aspects who wish to share and learn about the latest developments in the study of:
• Language, culture, and categorisation
• Metaphors across languages and cultures
• Cultural stereotypes
• Language, culture and emotions / religion / kinship / naming / animals, etc.
• Intercultural re-conceptualisation
• Cognitive linguistics
• Cultural linguistics and sign languages
• Cultural linguistics and syntax
• Cultural linguistics and semantics
• Cultural linguistics and pragmatics
• Cultural linguistics, anthropological linguistics, and sociolinguistics
• Cultural linguistics and intercultural communication
• Cultural linguistics and political discourse analysis
• Cultural linguistics, computational and corpus linguistics
• Cultural linguistics and gesture studies
• Cultural linguistics and (im)politeness
• Cultural linguistics and World Englishes
• Research methods in cultural linguistics
• Cultural linguistics and language learning and teaching
• Cultural linguistics and teaching English as an International Language (TEIL)
• Cultural linguistics and translation/interpreting
• Diachronic cultural linguistics
• The relations between language and culture in minority ethnic groups of America, Africa, Asia, etc.
Therefore, the 5th Cultural Linguistics International Conference aims to be a unique space for dialogue across various thematic areas.
The 5th CLIC will feature plenary lectures, thematic sessions, round tables, oral communication sessions, and business meeting.
Selected papers will be published in journals and monographic volumes.
Contact e-mail: clic2025@ucm.es
Languages of the conference: English and Spanish