- Categorías:
- Economía
Dept. Economic Analysis
Research Seminars
Dear all,
The following ONSITE seminar will take place next Wednesday June 12, at ICAE (Room 101, Building 1) and it will be streamed through Google Meets.
Department of Economic Analysis & ICAE Research Seminars:
WEDNESDAY, June 12, 2024, 12:30 h. SOLO ONLINE.
Gerard Domènech-Arumí (ULB)
Black Neighbors Matter: Officer Neighborhoods and Racial Differences in Policing
Ten years of data from a large American city reveal that Black civilians are consistently overrepresented in police street interactions. I combine property registry data, voter files, and employee records to locate officers’ exact addresses and study whether racial diversity in their neighborhoods impacts racial differences in policing. I find that White (unlike Black and Hispanic) officers are geographically clustered in a few (predominately White) neighborhoods. Those living in Black neighborhoods are more productive in Black interactions (e.g., more likely to seize drugs during stops). White officers quasi-randomly exposed to a new next-door Black neighbor interact with relatively fewer Blacks and are more productive. Effects are larger among officers in White neighborhoods, with less experience, and with more affluent new neighbors. These findings suggest that segregation may amplify racial differences in policing.
You can also join the seminar through Google Hangout Meets at the following link:
@ucm accounts are granted immediate access to the webinar. External accounts require explicit approval by the moderators.
You can find the recording of the talk as well as previous sessions, papers, and the schedule of upcoming seminars at the seminar’s webpage
Hope to see you all there.
Jiménez-Martín, Juan-Ángel
Rivas, María Fernanda
Rodríguez Álvarez, Carmelo
Rodríguez Hernández, Juan Gabriel
Sartarelli, Marcello
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