6th Philosophy at Play Conference
03-06-2024 09:00
Facultad de Educación Universidad Complutense, Calle del Rector Royo-Villanova, Madrid, España
Organizado por Gonzalo Jover
La inscripción ha finalizado.
This is the 6th international Philosophy at Play conference. For some time, we have been discussing questions of power and marginalization and of a relative absence in the conferences regarding the philosophical perspectives of the disempowered. This Conference therefore aims to offer a space for dialogue around and across relations of oppression, marginalization and erasure that we hope can get us beyond the dangers of appropriation and exploitation. The conference will accommodate presentations of different formats and lengths, including standard conference papers (20 min), performance lectures (20 min), “no paper” talks (20 min), workshops, interviews, public dialogues, discussions and games (20-90 minute slots).More information at: https://www.ucm.es/philplay