- Categorías:
- Economía
Department of Economic Analysis & ICAE Research Seminars:
PhD Workshop
WEDNESDAY, February 28, 2023, 12:30 h. N101 Prefabricado
Miguel Yagüe (PhD Student & Adjunt Prof UCM)
Rethinking Basel III and beyond: A theory model to explain credit allocation and real estate bubbles (joint with Alfredo García-Hiernaux & Miguel Jerez)
We develop a theoretical framework that explains banks’ credit allocation to either households seeking real estate assets or companies requiring capital for consumer goods production. By analyzing the interaction between the credit and the real estate markets, the model shows that when banks have high lending capacity, they have a natural incentive to bias the credit allocation towards real estate acquisition, fostering the emergence of real estate bubbles. Then we analyze the specific conditions (real estate and credit markets, banks’ characteristics, household preferences and overall economy’s productivity growth) that favor this process, setting direction for a more effective macroprudential regulation.
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You can find the recording of the talk as well as previous sessions, papers, and the schedule of upcoming seminars at the seminar’s webpage
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