- Categorías:
- Inglés
Positive impacts of language technology: TISLID 22
Date: 27-May-2022 - 28-May-2022
Location: MADRID, Spain (Virtual venue)
The fourth conference on Technological Innovation for Specialised Linguistic Domains (TISLID 22), Positive impacts of language technology, is to be held at Complutense University, Madrid, Spain (27-28th May, 2022). It will be hosted by the UNED-based ATLAS research group together with the University of Almería, Complutense University of Madrid, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and the University of Wolverhampton. The format of the conference will be online with the possibility of face-to-face workshops and round tables in UNED and the University of Wolverhampton.
TISLID’ 22 welcomes (but is not limited to) topics in the following areas:
- Language Technologies: Ontologically-based databases; CAT; Lexical and terminological applications; digital lexicography; the semantic web
- TELL (Technologically-enhanced Language Learning): CALL; MALL; CMC; MOOCs; Telecollaboration
- Technologies for Interlingual and Multilingual Communication: the impact of real-time translation on minority languages; language and social practices in a mobile digital culture; multilingualism and interculturality in the digital era; learning and preserving minority languages in the digital era.
Submission Deadlines:
- Deadline for Abstract proposals: 31st January 2022.
- Proposals should be sent by email to: tislid22@ucm.es
Registration fees:
- Until 4th April: 60 euros (25 euros for students with valid ID)
- After 4th April: 80 euros (35 euros for students with valid ID)
La inscripción ha finalizado.