- Categorías:
- Matemáticas
Combinatorial Problems in Algebraic and Symplectic Geometry
Recently a number of open problems in symplectic and algebraic geometry have been solved using techniques from combinatorics and convex geometry. This miniworkshop explores the connections and interactions between these areas, and reports on recent progress achieved.
The event consists of four invited lectures by researchers who have made significant recent contributions to these areas.
WEDNESDAY November 8th (Chairs: Rutwig Campoamor and Antonio Díaz-Cano)
09:25-09:30 Opening by Álvaro Pelayo and Raquel Mallavibarrena
09:30-10:20 Jordi Gaset (CUNEF): The geometric origins of quantum instability. Abstract.
10:25-11:15 Luis Crespo (University of Cantabria): Ewald's Conjecture and integer points in algebraic and symplectic toric geometry. Abstract.
11:15-11:45 COFFEE BREAK
11:45-12:35 Manuel Lainz (CUNEF): The Arnold-Liouville theorem for contact geometry. Abstract.
12:40-13:30: Francisco Santos (University of Cantabria): Some classification results on lattice polytopes. Abstract.
All funding for the conference is generously provided by the BBVA Foundation through the BBVA Foundation Grant for Scientific Research Projects with title “From Integrability to Randomness in Symplectic and Quantum Geometry (FITRISAQG)”, as well as the Complutense University Algebra, Geometry and Topology Seminar.
More information available at BBVA Project Website BBVA-Project – Álvaro Pelayo (ucm.es)