ProgramaEn hora local del evento
5th November, tuesday
9:00 Registration
9:30 Opening Ceremony
10:00 Plenary Lecture: Advances in the treatment of people with traumatic neurological injuries. News and Challenges. Dr. Jesús Vaquero Crespo. Professor of Neurosurgery. UAM.
11:15 Break.
11:45 Invited Lectures. Treatment and Neurorehabilitation in Child Brain Damage. Coordination: Dra. Lourdes Casillas. SIEP Member. UAM.
Neuropsychological treatment in childhood brain damage. Opportunities and Challenges. Dr. Marcos Ríos Lagos. Coordinator of the Brain Injury Unit. Beata Mª Ana de Jesús Hospital.
Child Acquired Brain Damage Unit from Child Jesus Hospital: Advances and Challenges. D. José Méndez Caba. Functional Therapies Unit Supervisor and DCA. Esther Juste Sánchez. DCA and Dysphagia Unit. Speech Therapist. Hospital Brain Injury Unit of Niño Jesús Hospital (Madrid).
Speech therapy in people with Acquired Brain Damage. Reality and Challenges. Dra. Teresa Simón López. Faculty of Psychology. UCM.
Family impact of brain damage. An approach from the infirmary. Dª. Paloma Muñoz Pedrezuela Nursing professional. Fundación Instituto San José
14:00 Discussion and first conclusions.
14:30 Lunch break.
16:30 Round Table: Brain Injury and Social Education. Opportunities and Challenges. Moderator: D. Esteban Tejada Fernández.
Inclusion in the framework of Education for Sustainable Development. The example of the Educating Cities. Dra. Filomena Madeira Ferreira Amador. University of Aberta (Portugal).
A library for citizenship, the José Hierro Municipal Library in Talavera de la Reina (Toledo). Dña. Adoración Manzano del Mazo. Director of the public library "José Hierro".// Dña. Esther Rodríguez Gómez. Social Educator and Monitor in ADACE.
Shared Social Responsibility as the engine of change management in the educational community. Dra. Maria Jesús Vitón de Antonio. Director of SIEP. UAM // Dª. Cristina Baeza López. Faculty of Economics and Business. UCM.
Inclusion as a life project. D. Manuel García Requejo. Integrador Social de ADACCA
18:00 Poster session, short communication and virtual communications.
19:30 End of the first day.
6th November, Wednesday
9:30 Short Communication. International perspective of the integration of people with brain damage.
10:30 Plenary Lecture. Serve and Protect: innate plasticity as a therapeutic target in brain damage acquired in the newborn. Dr. José Martínez Orgado. Head of the Neonatology Section of the San Carlos Clinical Hospital.
11:30. Round table. Brain damage in childhood. Advances and challenges. Moderator: Dr. Pilar Gútiez Cuevas.
The educational inclusion of children with brain damage. Proposals from early care teams. Dra. Yara Elisabeth Gordillo Cedeño. Director of Early Care Team. Comunidad de Madrid.
The importance of play in educating children with Brain Damage. Dr. Victor del Toro Alonso. Department of Educational Studies. UCM. Early Care Team Professional at EOEP-EAT.
Families of children with Acquired Brain Damage. Needs and Challenges for Educational and Social Inclusion. Dña. Mar Ugarte Ozcoidi. Delegate of Hiru Hamabi 3/12 in Madrid.
12:30 Break.
13:00 Invited Lectures. The school inclusion of students with brain damage. Looks from families. Coordinator: Dra. Crisálida Rodríguez Serna. UCM.
Brain damage and epilepsy. Needs in School Inclusion. Dra. Julieta Hough. President of Asociación Madrileña de Epilepsia -AME-.
Respuesta escolar a las necesidades de niños con daño cerebral. Experiencias desde el ámbito familiar. D. Damián Saint-Mezard. Family of person affected by brain damage.
Music as a therapeutic tool in the hospital context with paediatric patients. Dra. Mª Jesús Del Olmo Barros. Director of Master's Degree in Advanced Music Therapy and Applications of the UAM (School of Medicine).
14:00 Lunch break.
16:00 Round table. Educational inclusion of people with Brain Injury. Realities and limits. Moderator: Dra. Concepción Pérez López. Centro Universitario Cardenal Cisneros.
Inclusion of students with acquired brain damage. Reality and challenges. Dña. Marta Aguirre Bodas. EOEP specific Motoric Disability.Community of Madrid.
Hospital Pedagogy in acquired brain damage. Bases to promote educational inclusion. Dra. Victoria Muñoz Garrido. Director of Hospital Classroom of Gregorio Marañón Hospital.
Educational guidance and brain damage. Basics for the development of inclusive education.Dña. Raquel Tomé Mayo. Educational Orientator of the Foral Community of Navarra.
Inclusion of students with brain damage. Reality and challenges.
Dª Mercedes Pena. Director of CPEE María Soriano in Madrid.
Brain damage acquired in childhood. Needs for school inclusion.
Dña. Paloma Rubio Galán. Teacher and president of AFADACS.
17:00 Symposium. Reference Centers for the inclusion of people with Brain Injury. Opportunities and Challenges. Coordinator: Dr. José Luis Aguilera. ISYFDI. UCM.
Rehabilitation and inclusion of people with acquired brain damage. Realities and limits from state reference centers. Dra. Inmaculada Gómez Pastor. Manager Director of CEADAC.
The support technology for the inclusion of people with acquired brain damage. Dr. Miguel Ángel Valero Duboy. Managing Director of CEAPAT.
Inclusion of people with severe disabilities and disabilities. Dra. María Teresa Gutiérrez Fuentes, Manager Director of CRE for the care of people with severe Disability and Dependency.
18:30 Concert. Laúdes Españoles Gaspar Sanz.
19:0 Closing Lecture. The Neurocognitive Stimulation Training Programs for families of people with acquired brain damage, as emerging employment for education professionals: evidence-based indicators. (Project of Santander UCM. PR41/17). Dra. María Escolástica Macías Gómez.
20:00 Closing remarks
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